Inspiring website links to like-minded sisters.
  • While Voracitybeat is connected in one way or another with the following websites, none have paid to obtain a space on this list. Websites are ranked by Stevie Burns based on personal taste. You are allowed to disagree.

  • If you are infatuated and fully impressed by a website that is NOT listed here, share your knowledge and nominate your favorite. Email Stevie and type 'WEBSITE I LOVE' in the Subject Header.

  • Webmistresses: If you would like to be included on this highly selective list, please submit your website link for consideration. If you have a banner or button, please include that as a .jpg or .gif image in the body of your email. Contact: Editor Stevie Burns and type 'MY WEBSITE' in the Subject Header.

Ranked #1

Sexual Freedom Coalition
This is the most amazing project I've ever seen. Visit this website and be thoroughly impressed.
  • Organizes the Sex Maniac's Ball
  • Actively promotes political change regarding sexual laws in the UK.
  • Fund-raiser for Outsiders, a dating service for people who have disabilities.
Sexual Freedom Coalition
Ranked #2
If you don't know about Bust, then click here QUICK.
This is a basic food group.
Ranked #3
In The Buff Magazine
Clever and smart website for women.
  • Custom Order your own Erotica Stories
  • Read erotica story selection
  • Calls to Writers
  • Voracitybeat is an Affiliate Member of In The Buff.
Ranked #4
World Sex News
If you want to be informed about Worldwide Sex Issues and Events, this is the best place to start.
Ranked #5
Erotica Readers and Writer's Association
Home for erotica writers and pervy types who love them.
  • Reading Group
  • Erotica Stories and Poetry
  • Calls to Writers
  • Monthly Forum and Feature Articles.

References for Erotica Writers
Amatory Ink
  • Ebook Publisher of Erotica
  • An Erotica Thesaurus!
  • Articles about Writing
  • Index of various erotica publishers and websites
Katy Terrega
  • Newsletter
  • Calls to Writers
Sex Writer
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Articles about Writing

All Contents ? 2024