
Call to Musicians:
Notes from Stevie Burns

Dear Musicians,

The Voracitybeat CD Sampler is currently being compiled. The project: to arrange music from new bands with the explicit purpose of creating an arousing audible atmosphere. Submit a song or your whole album.

Your band (or you as a solo musician) will receive a full page Bio inside the CD booklet. Regrettably, publication of the music and Bio is the only compensation for contributing musicians. But your music will be put to seriously good use on this compilation.


Voracitybeat.com c/o Zaehne
Am Buchstein 11
61250 Usingen-Eschbach, Germany

If one of your songs is chosen for the sampler, I will contact you via email and ask you to send me a picture and Bio. You may also include an explanation of the piece chosen, and any other information about your music you'd like to share. I don't know that I'll be able to include it in the CD booklet, but send it anyway. This project could develop further in scope or spin into a follow-up project.

Start sending NOW. Deadline for this sampler is May 2004 but information about you and your music will be posted here along with sound bite teasers until the CD Sampler is released.

Best Regards,
Stevie Burns

All Contents ? 2024